
Showing posts from January, 2024

Blog Journal #3

   While I haven't been an official lead teacher, my role as an assistant teacher at the FSU childcare and early learning center has allowed me to make assertions about copyright and fair use. I have learned that navigating copyright and fair use is valuable in developing instructional materials and guiding students. When asked how I would incorporate this skill into a classroom, I have to mention that there must be a balance between fostering creativity and respecting intellectual property rights. Encouraging students to cite sources and use credited materials would be at the top of my list. While challenges with proper usage may appear, I believe that teaching this skill is worth the trouble and will benefit my students in their future endeavours.     Out of the listed technology implementation issues, the one that I have the most to say about is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying seems almost inevitable, and unfortunately that applies even in an educational setting. One solution is to

Blog Journal #2

  -         In my academic journey, I have only become more and more integrated with technology. Teachers have taught me throughout the years to utilize applications like Word, GoogleDocs, and PowerPoint. Specifically, I have great experience with Microsoft Word, and I prefer it over both Google Docs and Pages. I prefer it because it has useful and convenient settings, layouts, and features that support assignments and homework. I use Word to make study-guides that emphasize the importance of some facts over others with differing fonts and sizes.  -         The ISTE standards for Educators are general standards for appropriate and efficient technology use by educators. After reviewing the standards closely, I can assert that the standard most meaningful to me is 2.3 Citizen. This standard states that educators will endorse technology use that benefits the digital world through helpful contributors and citizenship-like behavior. I think this standard is important because I believe the d

Camila’s First Post

 Hi everyone! My name is Camila and I am a first-year at Florida State University. I am a psychology major with an intended minor in education. With my education, I hope to one day become a certified school psychologist and be able to help children advance in their education and cognitive developmental skills. I am a first-generation student, so education has always been heavily valued in my family and I hope to incorporate this mindset into my future career.  In terms of my prior experience using technology in an educational settings, I would say that I have been sufficiently exposed to educational technology. Using technology based materials over pen and paper has only increased in my time as a student. I use technology to write notes, watch lectures, and manage my school schedule. Prior to this class, I have been familiarized with Microsoft applications because my high school provided them and feel efficient in most of them. My personal learning networks consists of a good mix betwe