Blog Journal #3

   While I haven't been an official lead teacher, my role as an assistant teacher at the FSU childcare and early learning center has allowed me to make assertions about copyright and fair use. I have learned that navigating copyright and fair use is valuable in developing instructional materials and guiding students. When asked how I would incorporate this skill into a classroom, I have to mention that there must be a balance between fostering creativity and respecting intellectual property rights. Encouraging students to cite sources and use credited materials would be at the top of my list. While challenges with proper usage may appear, I believe that teaching this skill is worth the trouble and will benefit my students in their future endeavours. 

   Out of the listed technology implementation issues, the one that I have the most to say about is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying seems almost inevitable, and unfortunately that applies even in an educational setting. One solution is to integrate anti-bullying programs, educating students about responsible online behavior and the consequences of cyberbullying. Not to mention, I must acknowledge that cyberbullying may be taboo, so implementing anonymous reporting systems can empower students to report incidents without fear of retaliation. Collaborating with parents to promote online safety at home and fostering open communication can further strengthen these efforts. By combining these strategies, I aim to create a classroom that has a positive online culture.

   With various new technological developments, one that has certainly found prominence in educational settings is generative AI; most notably, Chat GPT. This topic has gotten high praise and also fair warnings. On one hand, it provides valuable assistance in generating content, aiding both teachers and students in various tasks. However, there's a need for careful monitoring to prevent over-reliance on AI, ensuring that authentic work and work ethic are still present. It is hard to regulate the use of this resource, but using applications like Turnitin will definitely limit how much students rely on it to complete their worth. Furthermore, as AI evolves, continuous reflection and adaptation to its role in education will be crucial.

   I have had to create newsletters in my role as an early childhood educator. This being said, even doing one for the sake of this class was beneficial because it updated my design skills and emphasized reminded me of the importance of such a tool. To improve in the future, I plan to explore advanced design software for more intricate layouts. The skills acquired in this assignment can be applied to effectively communicate ideas, whether in educational materials, presentations, or any form of professional communication. My future career specifically will be a school psychologist. I can use appealing newsletters to effectively communicate with the parents of my younger clients to help them feel important and see my effort in reaching out and informing them.


  1. Wonderful work Camila! Your newsletter design is quite suitable for kindergarten students. Anonymous reporting system is a good solution for prevent cyberbullying. Good work!

  2. Hi Camila! First off, I want to say that your Newsletter design is beautifully done. The skills that you have been learning as a childhood educator are paying off since the piece was so engaging. Additionally, I agree with you that one of the most harmful issues that come along with technology is cyberbullying. It's a tricky one as students are often the victims of such things and are not sure what to do , but I think implementing your practices that you suggested sound good.

  3. Hi Camila! I also agree that cyberbullying is a big issue in schools and one that is also tough to speak about. I love the programs that you suggested because often times, someone being cyberbullied would be scared to speak up so an anonymous reporting system would be great. The only downside is that this reporting system may further cyberbullying because people can report each other for no reason. Perhaps attaching proof of the cyberbullying can also be helpful!


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