Blog Journal #2

 -       In my academic journey, I have only become more and more integrated with technology. Teachers have taught me throughout the years to utilize applications like Word, GoogleDocs, and PowerPoint. Specifically, I have great experience with Microsoft Word, and I prefer it over both Google Docs and Pages. I prefer it because it has useful and convenient settings, layouts, and features that support assignments and homework. I use Word to make study-guides that emphasize the importance of some facts over others with differing fonts and sizes. 

-       The ISTE standards for Educators are general standards for appropriate and efficient technology use by educators. After reviewing the standards closely, I can assert that the standard most meaningful to me is 2.3 Citizen. This standard states that educators will endorse technology use that benefits the digital world through helpful contributors and citizenship-like behavior. I think this standard is important because I believe the digital world can do serious harm in terms of cyber bullying and exposure, so abiding by this standard is valuable and has taught me new ways to encourage safe technology use amongst students. I do not have any questions Ot lingering concerns, I feel positively about this standard. 

 -       I believe that due to the nature of technology use, the terms digital native is appropriate for todays youth. A lot of my generation grew up with a huge technological upbringing. They had iPads, learning games, and ultimately used technology to replace home or physical amenities. This being said, today's youth has grown alongside technology and media, and hasn’t had to adapt to it in the way “digital immigrants” have had to. I’ve seen differences in how a digital native uses technology compared to digital immigrants. For example. How fast they can complete similar digital tasks. For example, how to project your screen onto a projector. Once there was a time that our Teaching Assistant couldn’t come into class and our professor had to delay a presentation because he could not find the PowerPoint file. Instances like these are seemingly unavoidable, and while they haven’t impacted the quality of my education, it is something I consider when using technology for my classes. I imagine that this pattern will repeat and when I have my own students, they will have to help me adapt to applications they grew up on. I believe that every generation will get more innovative and move onto better technologies, and older generations will find it hard to leave old applications for new ones.


  1. Hi, Camila. I appreciate your points about the digital compency difference between digital natives and digital immigrants. Actually these two concepts are relative. Today's digital natives may also find it hard to adapt into emergent technologies in the future even though they grew up with a huge technological upbringing. Therefore, it is important for teachers to have open atttudes towards the changes of new technologies:)


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